Nathanael: The Meaning, Popularity, and Originality

Do you think Nathanael is a good name for your baby? What the meaning of Nathanael? Where this name came from? How many people in the world adopted this name? Keep in this page, you will get all the answers.

MeaningGod has given
ThemesFamous writers,Military heroes
Related NamesNathaniel, Nathan, Noah, Ethan, Elijah, Liam, Ezekiel, Aiden, Caleb, Josiah, Lucas, Alexander
BrothersJoshua, Benjamin, Elijah, Matthew, Samuel, Michael, Caleb, Noah, Gideon, Isaac, Jonathan, Andrew
SistersHannah, Sarah, Elizabeth, Grace, Abigail
Popularity#937 in 2018, -123 from 2017