What if family for you? As for me, a family is where I can find the closest people, and they will always be there to help me. Unfortunately for some people family means the opposite. This was the main reason why I decided to write this article. As you may know, we mostly get our complexes in childhood and suffer from them for the rest of our lives. Parents play a major role in this process. Very often, their children’s complexes are results of the lack of normal communication between parents and children.
It is crucial to understand that every parent always wants only the best for his or her children. However, children, especially, teenagers always don’t understand this. For this very reason, we have so many complications in the teenage period. But this doesn’t mean that you and your children will have to suffer from those problems. Even if you only come to an idea that you need a wife to marry, you should already understand that marriage is a very important step, and it is great to know how to avoid problems that may appear between you and your children.
You see, with the support of your loved ones, you can deal with any problem. This is especially important for a teenager, who due to his or her age, experiences various problems. But how to assure your teenage children that they can rely on you? To do this, you must begin your work long before their teenagehood. According to scientists, modern fathers and mothers’ way too often rely on new gadgets. Thus, their children suffer from a lack of communication. Therefore, when they have problems, they prefer to search for answers online instead of asking their parents.
Another problem is related to the context of interactions between parents and their children. Nowadays, parents very concerned about the future of their children. We can’t blame them for that, but we can blame those people only if they forget to ask how their children feel, whether they have some worries or daily problems with communication with their friends and peers. It’s not enough just to exchange a couple of phrases while you have dinner together. You have to be open with your children and should always be ready to listen to them.
Now, you know the main problems that may lead to problems in communication between parents and their children. So, I want to share with you the main signs that your child lacks communication.
1. He or she often feels unwell
You can understand that you have problems if your children often say that they feel sick. Some may say how this is even possible? Any parents will be concerned when their children feel seek. So, how can this be related to the lack of communication? You see, your children know that when they feel sick, you always begin to pay more attention to them. Therefore, they may begin to simulate sickness to win your attention. In the worst-case scenario, the problem of lack of communication between you and your children is so big, so it becomes dangerous to their emotional health. And, as you know, our emotions directly affect our health.
2. They suffer from low self-esteem
Quite often, children begin to blame themselves for the lack of communication in the family. They begin to believe that their parents don’t want to communicate with them because they are doing something wrong and not good enough. This may also make your child a very easy target for bullies. Or he or she may suffer from low self-esteem because of bullies. In this case, your child can’t tell you that he or she has problems. Thus, if you see that your child suffers from low self-esteem, don’t waste any minute and immediately start working on your communication.
3. Your children don’t rush home after school or classes
This is the easiest sign. When children avoid coming back home after school or other activities, it means that they don’t want to come back home. The only reason why a teenager wouldn’t want to come back home is that he or she doesn’t feel comfortable there. As you have guessed, you should never blame them for this, because this will only make matters worse. Instead, try to change something in yourself and try to be as open and friendly as you only can. This will help you to find out why your children don’t feel comfortable at home.
4. Problems in school
Surely, there are many reasons why your child may have problems in school. For example, he or she may have poor behavior or marks. This may be another form of protest and attempt to win your attention. Also, this may be a result of bullying. In any case, if you had a normal connection, you would know for sure why your child has problems in school and would help him or her to avoid them. Thus, instead of blaming and punishing, for some time, focus on your relationship with your child. Make sure that you both can understand each other.
5. Nightmares
Nightmares are one of the worst symptoms of unstable psychological conditions, anxiety, and stress. Anxiety is an individual psychological feature, manifested in the tendency of a person to often experience severe stress on relatively small occasions. It is difficult for the child to cope with the anxiety state. In this case, you need to understand that above everything else your child needs your support
Five steps to get in touch with your children
1. Equality
Let your children know that in your family, they also have rights and responsibilities just like every other member of your family.
2. Respect
You can’t build your family on an equal basis if you don’t respect your children. Respect their desires and wishes. Instead of forbidding something, explain to a child why this or that may be harmful to them.
3. Hobbies
Ideally, you must have mutual hobbies with your children. It will help you to learn how to work and solve problems together. Plus, this is a very gentle way to become an authority for your children.
4. Acceptance Your children may not always match your expectations. He or she will have their ideas, desires, and views. You, as a good parent, must accept this. Your task is to show your child all the possible options. And, it is up to him or her to chose what they want.